Positive actions and projects

UNAR supports projects, initiatives and positive actions

The Anti-racial discrimination National Office (UNAR) finances  - with the contribution of the European Funds - projects, initiatives and actions finalized to ban the obstructions for equal opportunities.

CO.N.T.R.O. Project

Promoted and funded by the European Commission, CO.N.T.R.O is a project conceived and coordinated by UNAR - National Office against Racial Discrimination, in partnership with IRS - Institute for Social Research.


UNAR, as the national contact point for the Strategy for Roma, Sinti and Caminanti inclusion, is responsible of the project “To.Be.Roma - Towards a better cooperation and dialogue between interested parties within the National Roma Platform".

PON Inclusion

As part of the 2014-2020 EU program, PON Inclusion, co-financed by the European Social Fund, proposes innovative measures and services against poverty and social exclusion.

Job Diversity

Since 2007 Job Diversity is the Equal Opportunities Career Forum that facilitates access to the labor market for people with disabilities, foreigners and transgenders, involving companies and institutions. 

Dosta! compaign

Dosta (enough) is the awareness campaign to fight prejudices and stereotypes on Roma and Sinti. The campaign is promoted by the European Council, which is coordinated and financed by UNAR in Italy.

Urban Diversity

“Urban Diversity” is a photograpy competition for young individuals aged between 18 and 35 where Unar exposes phots on a national level to support creativity beyond stereotypes.

Play in my shoes

In my shoes” is a video game that challenges the participant to live a month in the role of a foreigner. 

Dy move

Dy move - Diversity on the Move is a research project co-funded by the European Union – DG Justice, to explore the issue of discrimination in the workplace, particularly within sexual orientation. 
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