CO.N.T.R.O. Project

Promoted and funded by the European Commission, CO.N.T.R.O is a project conceived and coordinated by UNAR - National Office against Racial Discrimination,  in partnership with IRS - Institute for Social Research.


The CO.N.T.R.O project has a duration of two years (2018-2020) with the aim to stem hate speeches online.
Several  initiatives have been created to prevent and inform individuals on hate speeches in order to fight against racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance spread online.
The project has the ambition to reach a common and effective methodology against hate speeches online. Thanks to the CO.N.T.R.O project, UNAR will also be able to strengthen its collaboration with other institutional partners, such as the  Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of  Internal Affairs and the NGO network.

The Communication compaign

The communication campaign - "Hate is never neutral" (watch the individual episodes)