Urban Diversity

“Urban Diversity”,  photographic contest that tells about inclusion.

Urban Diversity” is the photographic contest of 2011 addressed to youngsters from 18 to 35 years promoted by UNAR with the aim of bringing out, at a national level, images capable of telling, beyond stereotypes, dialogue, inclusion and the presence, in Italian urban contexts, of citizens considered more at risk of marginalization and social exclusion: foreigners, Roma, disabled people, homosexuals and transsexuals, religious minorities.

At the end of the competition, which had hundreds of participants, a judging committee made up of UNAR experts and the National Working Group against discrimination, selected, in addition to the 6 absolute winners, also a group of photos that were disseminated in the context of information and awareness campaigns promoted by the Department for Equal Opportunities, as well as exhibited during national photographic exhibitions.

The photos were also collected in a catalog