TO.BE.Roma Project

UNAR, as the national contact point for the Strategy for Roma, Sinti and Caminanti inclusion, is responsible of the project “To.Be.Roma - Towards a better cooperation and dialogue between interested parties within the National Roma Platform ”.
The project contributes to the achievement of the following targets:
- Strengthen the participation of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti (RSC) in national and local decision-making
- Improve the dialogue, cooperation and coordination of RSC and stakeholders participating in the National Platform and the RSC Community Forum promoted by Unar
- Develop skills and knowledge to empower young people and women RSC, for a greater ability to fight anti-Gypsyism and hate speech
- Develop an integrated, flexible shared management model on inclusion policies, capable of responding to RSC needs and reducing the social conflict in urban contexts.
Principal public deliverables of the project are:
WP1D1.3 Questionnaire
WP2D2.1 web page
WP2D2.2 Leaflet and roll-up
WP3D3.2 Manual
WP3 D3.5 Facilitator
WP4 D4.2 Guidelines
The Project

Project funded by the Rights Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union