Job Diversity - UNAR ENG
Job Diversity

JobDiversity: Career Forum of equal opportunities.
JobDiversity is the Career Forum of equal opportunities that, from 2007, simplifies the access to the job market to special-needs, foreigner and transgender people, involving businesses and institutions.
“We look for talents to offer them equal working opportunities” is the goal that JobDiversity presented itself from the beginning, drawing the interests of thousands of people coming from all parts of Italy and the world, giving them the chance to candidate themselves and get job interviewed, enhancing their skills and peculiarities.
Thanks to JobDiversity – promoted by the Sodalitas Foundation, UNAR, Adecco and People Foundation for Equal Opportunities – during the year businesses have the chance to meet the candidates selected according to requested profiles.
From 2007 to 2015, there have been 21 editions of the Career Forum, with the participation of more than 80 enterprises and more than 13.000 candidates.
In 2016 JobDiversity – after being recognized as the best international practice in the field of Diversity and Inclusion- became a project completely handled and financed by the private and the social private world.