Week against violence

The “Week against violence “ takes place in schools every autumn. ​​​​​​​

The week against violence into schools is an initiative instituted from 2009 thanks to a Memorandum of Understanding between UNAR, the Department of Equal Opportunities and the Ministry of Education, University and Research. Objective of the initiative is to favour the prevention and the opposition of all acts of violence, bullying and intolerance, including those based on race, sexual orientation, religion and gender.

The campaigns takes place in autumn, between the months of October and November, involving all grades schools in activities of awareness, information and training directed to students, parents and teachers regarding the prevention and opposition to any kind of violence and discrimination.

In particular, the major topics are gender violence, minor violence, child pornography, also online one, homophobic bullying and transphobic bullying.

During the week, students have the opportunity to meet experts, representatives of associations and Police Force operators with the aim of learning and understanding better the laws and the instruments that the Italian state provides to oppose and prevent these acts of violence.

To know more about how to join the next edition write to unar@unar.it