Steering Committee with the Social Partners

The protocol “Steering Committee with the Social Partners” promotes the value of cultural diversity.

The protocol was signed May 13, 2010 between UNAR, trade unions such as CGIL, CISL and UIL and employers organizations, including, CNA, LegaCoop, Confindustria, Coldiretti, Confartigianato and Confcommercio, and provides that every subject understakes, each in its specific area of ​​competence, to promote the value of cultural diversity and to promote the spread of a culture based on respecting this value.

In details:

  • l’UNAR, in addition to guaranteeing the monitoring and coordination of activities, commits itself on promoting training and information initiatives in the productive sector regarding tools and protection procedures against all type of discriminations;
  • the Trade unions are committed to promote initiatives that can favor a company environment in which the needs connected with the cultural specificities of the workers are takend into consideration;
  • the Employer Organizations support and sustain the diffusion of positive actions in order to prevent discriminatory behaviours and enhance the positive practices achieved.

To know more about it: