Permanent Member of the association "Carta di Roma"

The Carta di Roma provides to the journalists the guideline for the processing of information regarding asylum seekers, refugees, victims of trafficking and migrants.

Carta di Roma is the name for the deontological protocol concerning asylum seekers, refugees, victims of trafficking and migrants, written by FNSI (the journalists’ union) together with the Journalists National Council between April and June 2008. UNAR, as part of the scientific committee , participated to the drafting of the document.

Aim of the Carta di Roma is to provide the journalists of a series of guidelines for processing information regarding asylum seeker, refugees, victims of trafficking and migrants. In particular, the document urges the utilisation of legally appropriate terms; avoiding the dissemination of inaccurate, summary or distorted information; adopting the appropriate precautions regarding identity and image that do not allow the identification of the person. In addition, it demands to contact, when possible, experts and organizations specialized in the matter in order to provide the public with information in a clear and complete context, which also deal with the causes of the phenomena.

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