OSCAD (Observatory for security against discriminatory acts) - UNAR ENG
OSCAD (Observatory for security against discriminatory acts)
The objective of OSCAD is to make the denunciation by the victims of discrimination easier.
The protocol was signed April 7, 2011 between UNAR and OSCAD (Observatory for security against discriminatory acts)of the Ministry of Interior with the main goal to facilitate the reporting by all victims of discrimination.
In the protocol the flows of information between the two bodies are defined, in particular UNAR transmits to OSCAD the cases of criminal relevance (for example all aggravated crimes under the Article 3 of the so-called “Mancino law”) while the opposite, from OSCAD to UNAR, occurs in cases that do not have this value.
The protocol also estabilishes the involvement of OSCAD for a possible collaboration in projects, coordinated by the UNAR, which affect the various territorial networks. UNAR is also expected to implement training and refresher courses destined to the police forces.