Guarantor of the prisoners of the Capital Rome - UNAR ENG
Guarantor of the prisoners of the Capital Rome
Fighting the discriminations in prisons and monitoring compliance with equal treatment.
This is the goal of the protocol of agreement signed between the Guarantor of the prisoners of the Capital Rome and the National Office for promoting equal treatment.
It is the first ufficial act of the organization born inside the Capital of Rome six months after the nomination of Filippo Pegorari as Guarantor of the prisoners: ” We have completed – explained the lawyer Pegorari – what was started in 2009 with the Ministry of Equal Opportunities to promote awareness-raising, training, updating and prevention initiatives on the issues of anti-discrimination. The expectation is that the City Observatory against discrimination will be established with the duties of reporting, data collection, monitoring and analysis of activities related to phenomena regarding discrimination, also through an interconnection with the computer system of the UNAR “.