Book Series

Book Serie “Rights, Equality, Integration “by Armando Editore.

The “Equality, Integration, Rights” series was created with the aim of contributing to the promotion of the general principle of non-discrimination and equality stated by the Article 3 of the Constitution and to spread the values ​​of diversity and differences against any forms and causes of discrimination. The document includes statements, reports, studies and research made by the Office in the context of its institutional duties, as well as the doctoral thesis winners of the annual competition announcement issued by UNAR in collaboration with the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI).

The research analyses the processes that bind or facilitate the access of immigrants to the Italian political sphere and deepens the impact of political-institutional structures, as well as the involvement of Filipinos, Egyptians and Ecuadorians in political organisations in Milan.

DownloadPolitical participation of immigrants - by Katia Pilati, 2010

The volume, of particular interest by local administrators, researchers and activists, provides a complete analysis of the discrimination suffered by lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people. The first part provides an analysis of the causes and forms of discrimination against LGBT people. In the second part, good practices implemented by local authorities are summarized and analyzed, and initiatives and policies to be implemented in the area are propose. 

DownloadDisOrientation - by C. D' Ippoliti and A.Schuster, 2011

Over the last few years, the “Roma question” has acquired an increasingly important space in the European public agenda, especially following the enlargement to the East of the European Union. However, the conditions of the Roma remain problematic in Italy as in other countries. Integration policies are ineffective unless they are preceded by a solid information and knowledge work on the processes of Roma inclusion. The book presents eight studies on social inclusion laboratories which analyze policies, scenarios, dynamics and outcomes.

An essay that traces the events of the Roma minority in twentieth century Romania. The author, through the analysis of archival documents and thanks to an intense ethnographic experience, draws a picture of the policies of inclusion and exclusion towards Roma in Romania. In the 1930s some activists inaugurated the season of inter-war Roma associations, giving rise to apolitical organizations soon torn apart by schisms and vehement campaigns. With the coming to power of Antonescu, in a Romania torn by territorial downsizing and revisionist threats, the nomadic groups and undesirable settlements, between June and September 1942, will be rounded up and evacuated to Transnistria. The policies of the popular democracies, in the half century of real socialism, will aim at the cultural genocide of the Roma, denying the principles of the Romanesque system.

The volume aims to study the topic of immigration in relation to policies of access, inclusion and recognition of diversity, both in the political and educational area, through the “voice” of those who, for different reasons, work in educational strong migratory flow. All in the conviction that the revaluation of subjective experience can contribute to hinder that “stammering”, full of ambivalences and contradictions, provoked by the presence of the Other.(Losi, 2010). 

DownloadUs and the Others, from theory to political and educational practice - by Paola Gelormini, 2014

LIL Journal

The book serie LIL (in romanì language journal, book) is composed by a series of 4 journals of information regarding Roma and Sinti communities.

The series, which illustrates various socio-cultural aspects of the communities in the Convergence Objective Regions, is promoted by UNAR with the collaboration of ISTISSS in the project “Information tools, awareness and training for public operators” ended in 2010.

In this issue: news like the media fueling discrimination. 

DownloadLIL journal n.1

In this issue: school, health, home-work: the government proceeds. Interview to the Minister Andrea Riccardi. 

DownloadLIL journal n.2

In this issue:the right for the house; ideas and proposals of Italy about the Strategy 2020.

DownloadLIL journal n.3

NEAR Magazine

The Near Magazine is the free two-monthly information press published by UNAR, with the contribution of the European Social Fund. 9 issues have been published since January 2012 to December 2013.

In this issue: UNAR, office against discrimination. Labour and discrimination. Rosarino, two years later.

Download NEAR 0/2012 | GENNAIO FEBBRAIO 2012

In this issue: Discrimination and media. Debate, hijab… veil yes or no. Reportage, the movement for transexual identity.

Download NEAR 1/2012 | MARZO APRILE 2012 

In this issue: Discrimination and security. Debate on foreigners and citizenship: to be elected by the “new Italians” – Lo ius soli, with the necessary realism. Rom, the long road to inclusion.

Download NEAR 2/2012 | MAGGIO GIUGNO 2012

In this issue: Desire for citizenship. Greece, human rights in times of crisis. Identification and expulsion centers. Books: Timira, the hybrid identity of Isabella Marincola.

Download NEAR 3/2012 | LUGLIO – AGOSTO 2012

In this issue: Disability and discrimination. Is gay marriage a right?is denying it a discrimination?Human rights inBelarus, Lukashenko, between veneration and mockery. The Italian State and religious minorities. The new world of Il Teatro degli Orrori.

Download NEAR 4/2012  | NOVEMBRE – DICEMBRE 2012