Yes to diversity. No to homophobia. - UNAR ENG
Yes to diversity. No to homophobia.
Yes to diversity, no to homophobia” is the campaign against Homophobia promoted in 2012.
“Yes to diversity, no to homophobia” is the campaign against homophobia and sexual orientation discriminations promoted in 2012 for the Department of Equal opportunities and UNAR.
the message of the campaign is focused over the concepts of equality, parity and respect. The tv commercial shows specific characteristics, close ups of people with precise features – left handed, red-hair, tall, lesbian, gay- united by a fundamental statement :” There is nothing to say”. The claim of the campaign ” Yes to diversity, no to homophobia” underlines how homophobia is a prejudice that does not consider the fact that diversity between people is a value.
Homophobia is a widespread and corrosive evil, a social knot that has to be untied and understood.
The campaign was released through a cross-media planning that involved: freepress, week press, billposting, below the line activities and video-communications in main Italian Tv and radio programs.