Action week against racism: 2016 edition - UNAR ENG
Action week against racism: 2016 edition

On the occasion of the annual recurrence of the World Day against Racism, which is celebrated on March 21st, UNAR, also in 2016, organized the Week of Action against Racism, now in its twelfth edition and scheduled from March 14th to the 21st 2016.
The national awareness campaign was held under the banner of “Light the mind, turn off prejudices”. The invitation was to open up to the other, to learn to know each other to overcome the fears and prejudices that cause discrimination and violence, as also the data of the UNAR Contact Center.
The aim of the Week was therefore to promote places and opportunities for socialization and reflection to involve and sensitize the entire public opinion on the values of intercultural dialogue and the wealth deriving from a multiethnic, open and inclusive society.