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Are you a victim or witness of a discrimination? Do you need help?

What happens to my report?
The reporting service is free of charge, multilingual and guarantees confidentiality and respect for privacy

¿Es víctima o testigo de discriminación?Necesitas ayuda?

Vous êtes victime ou témoin de discrimination ?As-tu besoin d'aide?

تحتاج مساعدة؟ هل أنت ضحية أو شاهد على التمييز؟

 کیا آپ کو مدد کی ضرورت ہے؟کیا آپ تعصب کا شکار ہیں؟

Close-up shot

Report a discriminatory act to the contact center

Video tutorial - How to report a discriminatory act to the contact center


PON Inclusion, innovative measures and services against poverty and social marginalization

As part of the 2014-2020 EU program, PON Inclusion, co-financed by the European Social Fund, proposes innovative measures and services against poverty and social exclusion. The Managing Authority of PON Inclusion is the Management Office for the fight against poverty and social planning of the Italian Ministry of Labor. UNAR plays the role of beneficiary under the agreement signed with the Program Management Authority on 04/18/2016